Monday, June 25, 2018

A Rainbow Promise

"Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."   Genesis 9:14-15

I wonder why God chose a rainbow as a sign of His covenant with us.  Could it be because 

...of it's brilliance and beauty?  Who doesn't love to look for the rainbow after a rainfall?

...A rainbow reaches across the sky, encompassing everything, and can be seen by all those around.  

...A rainbow appears after a storm, or rainfall.  This speaks to us of hope.  The rain is over, the sun is out! 

...Perhaps because, like us, each color is different, yet they are all necessary to create the rainbow.  The colors each blend together.  Their hues compliment each other, and create infinite possibilities when they are mixed.  What wonders we, God's people, can create when we all work together, using our unique gifts, to share His love with those around us. 

God's grace is evident in this covenant.  Through his rich provisions, we look to the rainbow and to the empty cross and remember that God has not forgotten us.  What a glorious sign of peace and comfort! 

For my Bible journaling of these verses, I used Polychromos colored pencils.  I drew 'God's' hand with a string around His finger.  In the verse following these, God says that whenever He sees the rainbow, He will remember His covenant.  I find it interesting that even God needs reminders!


Monday, June 4, 2018

Bible Journalng - John 14:2

"My Father's house has many rooms; 
if that were not so,  would I have 
told you that I am going there 
to prepare a place for you?"
                                               John 14:2

What joy fills my heart when I read this verse in John 14.  I rejoice in Jesus's promise of an eternal heavenly home for those who believe!

What comfort to know that He will come for me to be with Him.  That He is preparing a place for me!  And for you!

I cannot fathom what Heaven must be like.  I only know that Jesus will be there.  And all those loved ones who have gone before me, and will come after me.  We will all be together again on that glorious day when He comes to take us there.  

I like to think of Heaven as a garden.  It is where I feel so close to God.  My garden is my happy place!  
In my garden I...
- find rest for my weary soul.  
- rejoice in the beauty of God's creations.
- tend to the flowers and vines.
- watch the birds flit and butterflies dance.
- enjoy the creatures who visit there often.    
- talk to God, and feel His presence.

I do hope the Heavenly place He prepares for me is in a garden!  To be with Him, and all the people I love, in that place of peace and beauty.  I can only imagine! 
